Saturday, February 21

Load ABS files to MySQL

When I am working in R, I tend to have my working data in a MySQL database. I found that R did not always play nicely (and quickly) with complex Microsoft Excel files.

Previously, I had quite a complex bit of python code to read Excel files and upload them to MySQL. I have now retooled the way in which I load files from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to MySQL using Python pandas. The code is much simpler.

First, I store my MySQL database username and password in a file (it is used by a number of different programs). It lives in the bin directory (../bin from where I do my work). And, just in case you are wondering: no, it is not my password.

host     = 'localhost'
user     = 'root'
password = 'BigRedCar'
database = 'dbase1'

Now let's move on to the function to load ABS files into MySQL. It lives in the bin directory (../bin from where I do my work), in a file named

import pandas as pd
import pymysql
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import os.path
import re

# local imports - a file that contains database login details
import MysqlConnect as MSC

def LoadABSToMySQL(pathName):
    """ Read an Excel file from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
        and load it into a MySQL database"""

    # --- 1 --- open MySQL
    s = 'mysql+pymysql://'+MSC.user+':'+MSC.password+'@''/'+MSC.database
    engine = create_engine(s)

    # --- 2 --- identify proposed table name from file name
    (head,tail) = os.path.split(pathName)
    tail = re.split('\.', tail)
    tablename = tail[0]

    # --- 3 --- open the XL file
    wb = pd.ExcelFile(pathName)

    # --- 4 --- load XL workbooks into a single DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    for name in wb.sheet_names:

        # -- ignore junk
        if not 'Data' in name:

        # -- read
        tmp = wb.parse(sheetname=name, header=9, index_col=0, na_values=['', '-', ' '])

        # -- amalgamate
        df = pd.merge(left=df, right=tmp, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
        tmp = None

    # --- 5 --- write this DataFrame to MySQL
    df.to_sql(tablename, engine, index=True, if_exists='replace')

Finally, an example code snippet to load some of the ABS National Account files to MySQL. This files sits in my national accounts directory and has the rather unimaginative name The ABS Microsoft Excel files live in the ./raw-data sub-directory.

import sys
sys.path.append( '../bin' )

from LoadABSToMySQL import LoadABSToMySQL

dataDirectory = './raw-data/'
dataFiles = [
dataSuffix = '.xls'

for f in dataFiles :
    LoadABSToMySQL(dataDirectory + f + dataSuffix)

To run this python load file, I have a BASH shell script, which I use on my iMac. It has another unimaginative name:


# mac os x fix ...
cd "$(dirname "$0")"

python ./

Wednesday, February 11

An Extra Dry Baltic Index

The Baltic Dry Index provides a window on world trade. The view out the window ain't that good at the moment.

The Baltic Dry Index was at 663 on 5 December 2008 (its post-GFC low point).

It was at 554 on 9 February 2015. But no need to worry, it rebounded back up to 556 on 10 February.