Sunday, August 3

Pandas 0.14.1

I have just upgraded to Pandas 0.14.1.

It was a pain. At first, none of my graphics programs worked. It looks like a change to the API for parsing Microsoft Excel files was the problem. I am not sure whether my previous approach was wrong (but worked serendipitously), or the API was deliberately changed to break old code (an unusual practice for a point release). If someone knows, I'd appreciate something in the comments below.

What follows are the classes I use to upload Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) data, with the updates to the parsing stage commented.

And yes, I use Python 2.7, not Python 3 (it's what comes with the Apple Mac).

### written in python 2.7 and pandas 0.14.1

import pandas as pd
assert( pd.__version__ >= '0.14.1' )

class ABSExcelLoader:

    def load(self, pathName, freq='M', index_name=None, verbose=False):
        """return a dictionary of pandas DataFrame objects for
           each Data work sheet in an ABS Excel spreadsheet"""

        wb = pd.ExcelFile(pathName)
        returnDict = {}

        for name in wb.sheet_names:
            if not 'Data' in name:

            # ExcelFile.parse: API behaviour change with pandas 14.1
            #df = wb.parse(sheetname=name, skiprows=8, header=9, index_col=0, na_values=['', '-', ' '])
            df = wb.parse(sheetname=name, skiprows=9, header=0, index_col=0, na_values=['', '-', ' '])

            periods = pd.PeriodIndex(pd.Series(df.index), freq=freq)
            df.set_index(keys=periods, inplace=True)
   = index_name
            returnDict[name] = df

            if verbose:
                print ("\nFile: '{}', sheet: '{}'".format(pathName, name))
                print (df.iloc[:min(5, len(df)), :min(5, len(df.columns))])

        return returnDict

### written in python 2.7 and pandas 0.14.1

import pandas as pd
assert( pd.__version__ >= '0.14.1' )

class RBAExcelLoader:

    def load(self, pathName, freq='M', index_name=None, verbose=False):
        """return a pandas DataFrame for an RBA Excel spreadsheet"""
        wb = pd.ExcelFile(pathName)
        sheetname = 'Data'

        # ExcelFile.parse: API behaviour change with pandas 14.1
        #df = wb.parse(sheetname, skiprows=9, header=10, index_col=0, na_values=['', '-', ' '])
        df = wb.parse(sheetname, skiprows=10, header=0, index_col=0, na_values=['', '-', ' '])

        periods = pd.PeriodIndex(pd.Series(df.index), freq=freq)
        df.set_index(keys=periods, inplace=True)

        if verbose:
            print "\nFile: '{}', sheet: '{}'".format(pathName, sheetname)
            print 'Columns: {}'.format(df.columns.tolist())
            print 'Top left hand corner ...'
            print '------------------------'
            print df.iloc[:min(5, len(df)), :min(5, len(df.columns))]

        return df

1 comment:

  1. I'd only use skiprows or header - not both as header will skip all rows before that anyway.

    Can't say why you had a change from 13 to 14 but your "header=" and 'skiprows=' look to be in conflict to.

    From the I/O notes:

    "The presence of ignored lines might create ambiguities involving line numbers; the parameter header uses row numbers (ignoring commented lines), while skiprows uses line numbers (including commented lines)"

    Maybe you got lucky previously.

